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dynamic inc

Company Profile
Dear Sir

We can offer Any kind of Whisky like for Bl. Label can offer you price of Usd15.00,

We can offer Heinken, Calrsburg & Corna beer for 24 bottles of 330ml can offer price of Usd18.00 Fob China,

We can offer all kinds of Brandy like for VSOP Rem Mart 800ml can offer for Usd30

We can offer malbr/555/dnhl and variousother brands at US$125/mc

We can offer colg 75ml at Usd0.20/PC, aqua, sensodine, signals, pepsodnt brand toothpaste,

Can offer 400ml Panten...
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Contact Us
Company: dynamic inc
Contact: Mr. kishore punjabi
Address: bangabandhu national stadium
Postcode: 0000
Tel: 91 22 26368727
Fax: 91 22 26368737


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